Dear Sir:
It is now several months since I promised to give you my reasons for preferring the Bible as a schoolbook to all other compositions. Before I state my arguments, I shall assume the five following propositions:
- That Christianity is the only true and perfect religion; and that in proportion as mankind adopt its principles and obey its precepts they will be wise and happy.
- That a better knowledge of this religion is to be acquired by reading the Bible than in any other way.
- That the Bible contains more knowledge necessary to man in his present state than any other book in the world.
- That knowledge is most durable, and religious instruction most useful, when imparted in early life.
- That the Bible, when not read in schools, is seldom read in any subsequent period of life.
I. In the constitution of the human mind.
- The memory is the first faculty which opens in the minds of children. Of
how much consequence, then, must it be to impress it with the great truths of
Christianity, before it is preoccupied with less interesting subjects.
- There is a peculiar aptitude in the minds of children for religious
knowledge. I have constantly found them, in the first six or seven years of
their lives, more inquisitive upon religious subjects than upon any others. And
an ingenious instructor of youth has informed me that he has found young
children more capable of receiving just ideas upon the most difficult tenets of
religion than upon the most simple branches of human knowledge. It would be
strange if it were otherwise, for God creates all His means to suit His ends.
There must, of course, be a fitness between the human mind and the truths which
are essential to it happiness.
- The influence of early impressions is very great upon subsequent life; and
in a world where false prejudices do so much mischief, it would discover great
weakness not to oppose them by such as are true. I grant that many men have
rejected the impressions derived from the Bible; but how much soever these
impressions may have been despised, I believe no man was ever early instructed
in the truths of the Bible without having been made wiser or better by the early
operation of these impressions upon his mind. Every just principle that is to
be found in the writings of Voltaire is borrowed from the Bible; and the
morality of Deists, which has been so much admired and praised where it has
existed, has been, I believe, in most cases, the effect of habits produced by
early instruction in the principles of Christianity.
- We are subject, by a general law of our natures, to what is called habit. Now, if the study of the Scriptures be necessary to our happiness at any time of our life, the sooner we begin to read them, the more we shall probably be attached to them; for it is peculiar to all the acts of habit, to become easy, strong, and agreeable by repetition.
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