Samuel Huntington - 10/03/1788 |
This is the text of the October 13, 1788 Samuel Huntington Day of Thanksgiving Proclamation, as he served as Governor of Connecticut; as printed in The New-aven Gazette, and the Connecticut Magazine on October 23, 1788.
By His Excellency
Samuel Huntington, Esquire
Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over the State of Connecticut, in America.
Considering the great and manifold favors, which it pleased Almighty God, the Father of Mercies, to bestow upon the inhabitants of this Land, and the people of this State in the course of the current year, which demand our sincere and grateful Acknowledgment:
I Have thought fit, by, and with the advice of the Council, and at the desire of the Representatives, in General Court assembled, to appoint, and do hereby appoint, Thursday the twenty-seventh day of November next, to be religiously observed as a day of Public Thanksgivingthroughout this State; earnestly exhorting ministers and people of all Denominations, with becoming devotion, to assemble for divine and social worship; and with grateful hearts, to acknowledge the divine goodness in the great and distinguishing Favors and blessings bestowed upon these United States, and the people of this State in particular: For the continuation of the inestimable privileges of the Gospel and means of Grace, the blessings of Peace, and for the general health enjoyed; the supplies of the fruits of the Earth, notwithstanding the harvests are in some measure diminished; and for all other innumerable favors and unmerited mercies conferred upon us from the fountain of all goodness: Also to offer up fervent supplication and prayer to Almighty God, the supreme Governor of the Universe, and ruler of the Kingdoms of Men, that it may graciously please him, to shower divine blessings upon the people of these Untied States; disposing them in a yet unexampled manner, to unite in voluntarily forming a salutary Constitution, which shall best fulfill the purposes of Civil Government, by securing the unalienable Rights of Individuals, and removing Oppression far from them, and in promoting the prosperity and permanent happiness of the Union: Inspire all in civil Administration with wisdom and Integrity: Abundantly bless the inhabitants of this State: Succeed a preached Gospel and the means of Grace, and cause pure religion to flourish: Grant us health in all our dwellings: Continue peace; make our land a quiet habitation and refuge for the oppressed; caused the Earth to yield her increase, and bless us in all our interests and concerns: Extend his mercies to all Mankind: Dispose the Nations of the Earth to universal peace, and put a period to the calamities of war; and cause the world to be filled with the Knowledge and Glory of God. And all servile Labor is forbidden on said day.
Given at the Council Chamber at New-Haven, the Thirteenth day of October, in the Thirteenth Year of the independence of the United States of America, Annoque Domini, 1788.
By his Excellency's Command,
George Wyllys Secretary.
Take Up the Cross and Follow Him
Matthew 16:24-25 New King James Version (NKJV)
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Proclamation - Thanksgiving Day - 1788, Connecticut
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